Tuesday, 11 September 2012

‘NUGA collegiate marathon a timely event’

NIGERIA'S most successful coach in the past two decades, Tony Osheku, has hailed the plans by Nigeria Universities Games Association (NUGA) to organise a collegiate marathon competition from next year.
Osheku believes Nigeria universities are responding to calls for a structured sports development programme with the schools as the production factory.

“I am thrilled by the news that our universities have taken on the challenge for a proper and defined sports development programme following our dismal showing at the London Olympics,” started Osheku, who coached Falilat Ogunkoya to two Olympic medals in 1996.
“In a country like the USA, for example, the schools form the foundation for sports development and have provided more than 60 per cent of Team USA Olympic and World champions in all sports.
“The universities in particular have become more like an elite development centre for the high school graduate athletes. That’s is why you don’t see direct government involvement in the preparation of athletes for major championships and games. The universities have taken over that role,” further said Osheku, who trained Mohammed Kwarjahfa to Libya’s first ever medal (a 400m gold) at the African Championships in 2010.
Osheku wants NUGA to also ensure infrastructure for training is provided and has called on the National Universities Commission to ensure sports is included in the university calendar.    “I am certain this step NUGA is trying to take will kick start its desire to take up the responsibilities of grooming future champions like its counterpart in the USA,” he said.

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